Bringing Farms to Life in Every Weather and Season

From £250 3hr - with unlimited digital images inc.

john Deere 6210r Tractor ploughing British countryside

More Details and Pricing Below

Why So Versatile

By bringing both my business and home to you, I can stay on location, ensuring that you only pay for the time I spend capturing photographs for you. This arrangement allows me to deliver the specific shots you need while also enjoying the opportunity to explore a new area for me. If I can park on or near the location, it reduces fuel costs, and once the project is complete, I move on to my next destination. Whether it’s a one-day shoot or a project spanning several weeks, you’re only charged for the actual photography work!

sugar beet harvest tractors farming

Why Choose Me?

Sheep farming at Harringworth Northamptonshire
  • All year round, any weather

  • Multiple subjects covered

  • Colour or black and white photos

  • Can stay on location

  • I work with you

  • Unlimited images

  • Sensible prices

  • No fuel charge upto 30 miles

Pricing Below

Standard Option 3 hour


3 hour Price includes, no fuel charge upto 30 miles unlimited photos, plus a private gallery with password on this website.

Add On

All Day £450

As standard option but all day including night.

Additional Days

£150 Per Day

Including all in standard option and add on.

Contact Me.

Katey Jane
(555) 555-5555

Perth and Kinross
